Super neat!!

I know people shit on AI, but I love it for what it is. It can make pretty cool shit, do it quick and helps with all my posts. Like I dont wanna post pics of my friends and fam, cuz I dont wanna turn this platform into another facebook platform.

I also dont wanna spend months and months drawing up a picture, people will have nothing to read haha.

But I also like breaking up walls of texts with pictures, plus some people like visuals...soooo AI is wonderful for that.

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Thank you!

I didn’t want to like it at first, but when I started doing it, I began to see how it can be beneficial. And, yes, It’s especially useful for bloggers. However, I do eventually want to afford artists for more important things like book covers and character portraits.

All the haters need to learn that it’s here and it’s not going away, and that is what motivated me to get into it in the first place. I now find it to be fun and challenging….[[|:-)

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100%!!! yah if it's my own book, I'll either draw my own or if I want a style I can't do, I'll hire an artist. I am not putting AI in my book haha. Also, if you do you can't claim the rights to it.

I also agree with that. It's never going away. You can hate and avoid it, but that maaay be going backwards. use it, but know where to draw the line type thing. Those who abuse it, people will know and won't buy into that shit anyways haha.

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